The Wrap: NOVEMBER 2021

November 30, 2021

The BOM are predicting a wet summer ahead but that hasn’t dampened the cheery Threesides spirit in the office. Maybe it’s being able to see our Sydney workers in person again, maybe it’s having a fresh-faced and enthusiastic intern around, or maybe it’s the flowing supply of new Underground Spirits bottles stocking our shelves – who knows!  In November’s Wrap, we discuss Microsoft’s new software product, the National…

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The Wrap: July 2021

July 30, 2021

It’s literally freezing here in Canberra this week, snow on the mountains and plenty of icy cold rain but we are warming up with great marketing ideas in this month’s WRAP. In July we found out the future of Instagram, strangely from Twitter , looked at a positive take on a cookie-less world ⛔ and were inspired to engage with Generation Z a little more. We continue to also follow the story of the Big Bird Bandits (yep its talked a lot about at Threesides!) – this episode is about media training!

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