This Month in Marketing: April 2020

Blog by April 29, 2020

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While last month was all about the sudden change in how we live, April has been about adapting to our new normal. This month we are starting to look at how we as marketers can operate as best we can through the Covid-19 pandemic.

Brand Marketing through Coronavirus crisis

Marketers have had to adapt quickly to better reflect the new landscape. This has meant tweaking tone and changing how we communicate. Some top tips are to present with empathy and transparency, associate your brand with good causes, track trends and build scenarios, and plan for whatever is next. Read more COVID-19 marketing tips here.

Facebook and YouTube are still the most popular Social Media platforms 

Unsurprisingly, time spent on social media is on the up while we are all trying to stay at home. Facebook is still number one, used by 84% of Australians, with YouTube trailing behind at 76%. But there are some specifics on the generation breakdown – for Gen Y and Z, it is all about TikTok and Instagram, while the Boomers enjoy some Pinterest time alongside their preferred Facebook scroll.

Australia’s values through Covid-19

We are seeing a societal shift in values due to the pandemic towards survivalism mode.  This has in turn affected marketing as Australians are favouring content and brands that make them feel safe. It will be crucial that businesses maintain trust, as researchers have found that “how a brand responds to the pandemic will have an impact on my likelihood of buying that brand in the future”.

Good news for Australian digital News Sites

Nielsen has reported that the top 7 news websites in Australia have had over 11 million readers. This is the highest the figure has ever been since the launch of Nielsen’s Digital Content Ratings. The bump has been caused by Covid-19 and the increased importance to be as up to date on the news as possible.

Brands attempting to turn a disaster into an opportunity

Coca-Cola, McDonald’s and Audi are just some examples of brands that have used their platform to increase awareness of social distancing and preventative health care measures around Covid-19. But there are examples where marketing has been straying into unethical territory. Some businesses have attempted to cash in on the panic buying, promoting scarcity of products and exploiting the market. If brands need to be anything right now, it’s trustworthy, so this type of messaging should be avoided. Read more about how coronavirus is being used as a marketing tool here.

And that’s it for April! We will be back next month with more marketing news. We hope you and your loved ones are staying safe, healthy and not going stir crazy. If you want some personalised marketing advice, Threesides is here to help.


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