How to work from home: tips provided by Threesides’ WFH expert, Lauren G

Blog by April 14, 2020

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While most of us have had to adapt to working at home due to COVID-19, Lauren has been working from home for Threesides for 10 years! She’s helping coach us through the transition period as we adjust to a new way of working via video meetings, phone calls and emails. Here are her top tips to stay happy, productive and connected when working from home.

Create your own space

Try to work in a dedicated space, preferably not an open thoroughfare in your house. Having the ability to enter the space at the start of the day and leave it behind at the end of the day ensures you keep your work life separate to your home life, allowing you to mentally switch off and unwind at the end of the day

Schedule all your time accurately

Effective time management and prioritising tasks in order of deadline is essential and keeps you focused on tasks for the day and avoid distractions. This will help your team keep updated on your day.


Stay in touch with colleagues


WFH can sometimes feel lonely when you don’t have your colleagues right there to bounce ideas off. Keep communication lines open with regular phone and video calls and messages. It doesn’t always have to be about work; staying social with your colleagues will help keep morale high.

Have you checked in on a workmate today? Go on, send someone a text or give them a FaceTime call.

