Making your news NEWSworthy

Blog by October 29, 2019

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We’ve all been there. Something you perceive as really ‘big news’ happens in your life, and you just can’t wait to tell someone. You tell said someone and are met with little surprise, even less enthusiasm and no real interest. Those resounding crickets really do suck, but it’s a lesson in life that what you think is a big deal to you, isn’t always a big deal to anyone else.

It’s the same in the business world. Your business news isn’t always necessarily news that will interest anyone. And in the case where you are just busting to shout your news from the rooftops, your news isn’t always going to interest those channels that are going to help you broadcast your news to your desired audiences, i.e. the media.

To ensure that your news is amplified and heard, it’s important to establish first up if your news is actually newsworthy. Is it worthy of coverage? Will people be impacted by your news? Will it change their lives? Tell them something they haven’t heard before? Fill them with ideas of how to spend their weekends? Let them know about a new product? Help them save the environment?

When you think you have a strong business news story to tell, it can be handy to first ask yourself…is this actually newsworthy?

We won’t go ahead and shame businesses, but what we can tell you is that we have been asked on occasion to undertake media promotions for the launch of a website, the launch of an app, and the release of a new holiday package rate – these kinds of things are ok to communicate, but the media is not the right avenue. These kinds of things are not news. And yes, you would definitely hear those crickets loud and clear from newsrooms across the nation if you try to package them up as news.

Our tip – you can tell your news is newsworthy if it fits one of the following criteria:

  1. Is it new?
  2. Is it a first or one of a kind?
  3. Is it sustainable/eco friendly?
  4. Does it involve a celebrity?
  5. Is there a benefit for a charity/not-for-profit organisation?
  6. Do you have new statistics? Results of credible surveys?
  7. Is the focus on new technology or social media?
  8. Have you won a major award?
  9. Are your images out of this world?
  10. Do you have a local/state/Australian angle?
  11. Is your news related to a special date e.g. Valentines Day/Christmas?
  12. Does your story affect the hip pocket e.g. family travel on a budget?
  13. Do you have a great list or the best of?

Our newsworthy news list is by no means comprehensive, but you get the idea.

If you have some news to tell and are unsure about its strength as a media story, have a chat with us and we will let you know the best approach. Sometimes all it takes is to find a new and interesting angle which may be more appropriate for the media.
