Feeding the Food Blogger: What Bloggers Want

Blog by March 28, 2016


There’s little doubt that online influencers are playing a big part in digital marketing these days. Bloggers can provide content that keeps your community and brand supporters engaged, bring awareness to anything new and exciting you’re launching and can expose your offerings to a brand new audience.

There’s a lot more to working with bloggers than luring them in with a trail of avocado on toast and free wifi. Here’s a few tips we’ve picked up along the way on how to make events with bloggers a success.

Relationships matter

Here’s the thing: you and the person you’re contacting both know that they’re probably not the only person you’re asking to cover your brand. But taking the time to talk to them individually and build relationships is imperative to your event’s success.

Personalise your emails. Greet them individually, make it clear that you follow their blog or social media channels – tell them how jealous you are of their recent trip away or mention how cute their puppy is looking these days. Those extra 2 minutes it takes to notice the little things can make the world of difference in the long run.

Cater (pun intended) to your target market

This goes back to relationship building and proper pitching. Know who you’re talking to and what you’re inviting them to. Would you invite a vegetarian to come along to an all you can eat meat festival? Or a fitness blogger to try your dessert menu? Probably not. Show them you know them, and cater accordingly.

On that note – any brands that want me to cover their flower shops, the Gilmore Girls series reboot, puppy cuddles or homewares I probably can’t afford – hit me up.

Provide visual experiences

Is your product or experience visually appealing? We know that a picture is worth a thousand words and that 65% of us are visual learners, so be sure to make your event or product as enticing as possible.

Make sure your location is properly lit, run events in the daytime where possible* and if your offering is less than pretty, think of innovative ways you can make it more ‘grammable. Adorn your tables with flowers, set up a photo booth with props, make up goodie bags with samples for your guests to take home and share – find a way to bring your brand to life.

*It’s a truth universally acknowledged that the iPhone flash is the work of the devil.

Credit and check

Sounds obvious, but a simple “Image by @_____” can save you from damaging a relationship you’ve worked tirelessly to foster. A blogger has put the time into sharing your product or service – they wouldn’t post if they didn’t think it was their best work. So if you’re planning on sharing their original content, be sure to credit them.

Are you a blogger? Let us know what you appreciate when invited to cover something on your blog.

Image Source: Shutterstock