Into the Life of a Threesides Intern – 5 skills to take away

Blog by February 14, 2015

Five Skills For an Intern

This post was written by 2014 intern Laura Franco-Frost about her time at Threesides.

There is no better way to learn which pathway you’re destine for after university, than completing an internship. I began searching intensely for the perfect marketing agency to take me over the finish line of my degree. The moment I walked through Threesides door, I felt a sense of a creative hub full of passionate and professional people.

Threesides has taught me five valuable skills:


To be in a workplace where you are surrounded by passionate people is inspiring daily. Threesides gave me an open and broader outlook, that passion is the difference between having a job and having a career.


On my first day at Threesides a co-worker affirmed that there is never a question too silly to ask. This piece of advice stayed with me throughout the internship, coming to the conclusion that you should never be scared to communicate your views and ideas with industry professionals. Internships are a platform to develop and practice your communications skills with a diverse group of people.


Throughout university you are taught a certain style of writing, its important when stepping into the industry to be confident in your abilities because you may know more than you think. I learnt that you need to dive into the deep end and give it everything you’ve got. Have the confidence to utilise your co-workers and find a mentor to learn, develop and believe in the industry skills you’ve already learnt.

Adapting to change

Every work place has a unique and different style in the way each individual writes, produces work and communicates. Learning and adapting to the expectations of the work place and individuals was an extremely valuable skill, experienced during my internship. It’s important to flow with the process of the work place and integrate yourself into the team.

Industry experience

Threesides gave me a thorough insight into the industry processes, techniques, client relationship development and management. The people, work place culture and commitment to making my time a professional and enriching experience made my internship an extremely valuable, educational and practical experience from start to finish.


Image Source: Shutterstock