Pinteresting Ideas for your Business

Blog by January 9, 2015

pinterest small business marketing

Ahhhh Pinterest. The home of procrastinators planning their dream home, dream wedding… heck, basically their dream life.

But did you know that Pinterest is also a great opportunity to drive referral traffic to your business’ website? And it can also help you to build successful relationships with influencers too.

Here are some ideas to make the most of your Pinterest account:

First things first

Convert your Pinterest page to a Pinterest business page. This allows you to make the most of Pinterest’s analytics allowing you to easily see who is engaging with your pins, where they’re pinning from and what sort of content you should be creating more of.

Know your audience

Following on from above really. If you’re reaching who you want to be reaching – great! If not, you can modify you practices to reflect what your audience is likely to engage with. For instance, the pinning ‘hover’ button is not compatible with mobile interactions. If those you’re trying to reach are mainly accessing your content through mobile technology, creating the hover button may not be necessary.

Influence the Influencers

Find those who stand out in your industry and strike up a relationship with them – follow them, re-pin their content and respond thoughtfully to their work. These activities not only increase the repetition of your brand in the influencer’s mind, but increase your visibility as a brand to others that are also influenced by the same source.

Don’t forget to engage

While at times Pinterest can be seen as a one-way street to collect and display what content you find interesting, don’t forget that it is also a space to build a community around your brand. Take the time to respond to those who have commented, and if appropriate, check out what content they’re making.

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Image Source: Shutterstock