Connect at Christmas: Post on Facebook or Post a Card?

Blog by December 19, 2013

Have you noticed a significant decline in the number of Christmas cards this year? Come to think of it, have you seen a decline in the number of Christmas cards you’ve been receiving over the last few years?

Don’t lose sleep, this does not mean your friends have forgotten you or that they love you any less (we hope).

The social media revolution is well and truly upon us. Instead of cards this year, look out for the increasing number of well wishes you’ll recieve through your social media channels.

Facebook messages and posts are the new Christmas cards and there’s no reason your business should be left behind.

Before you clock off today, schedule a Facebook post wishing your page likers a Merry Christmas on December 25th. You won’t want to have to worry about a Facebook post when you’re soaking up the sunshine and margaritas on holidays, or recovering from your ham food coma on Christmas day. Facebook has you covered, with their inbuilt scheduling tool.

How do I schedule a post, I hear you ask?

It’s easy peasy.

  • Head to your Facebook business page, make sure you’re signed in as admin.
  • Write your desired Facebook post,
  • Hit the little clock under the post on the left,
  • Click the desired date and time and voila!

You’ve now connected with your fanbase on Christmas day – how thoughtful of you!

Facebook Scheduling

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