
The Threesides Tone Deaf Christmas Choir

Blog by December 19, 2012

Threesides Christmas 2012

What do you get if you put 7 awesome marketers on a couch with the adapted words to a classic christmas carol?  Well the answer can be seen in this christmas video from the Threesides Tone Deaf Choir.

They have all been medically tested and proven to not have a single singing bone in their little marketing bodies,  but that’s okay – it’s all in the name of a bit of christmas fun and putting a smile on your face.

Forget Gangnam Style – this is “Threesides Style” (Come on one billion downloads)

[embedplusvideo height=”337″ width=”550″ standard=”http://www.youtube.com/v/NwI6EF7e20s?fs=1&hd=1″ vars=”ytid=NwI6EF7e20s&width=550&height=337&start=&stop=&rs=w&hd=1&autoplay=0&react=1&chapters=&notes=” id=”ep9857″ /]


Couldn’t work out what we were saying?  Here are the words to:

The 12 days of Threesides Marketing Christmas

  1. On the first day of Christmas my threesides gave to me – A Facebook strat-egy
  2. On the second day of Christmas my threesides gave to me – An Iphone with 4-G
  3. On the third day of Christmas my threesides gave to me – An ipad with conn-ec-tivity
  4. On the fourth day of Christmas my threesides gave to me – An internet enabled T-V
  5. On the fifth day of Christmas my threesides gave to me – An Ads cam-paign for free (first $75 from Google free)
  6. On the sixth day of Christmas my threesides gave to me – A Google search strat-egy
  7. On the seventh day of Christmas my threesides gave to me – A new logo and bra-n-d- ing
  8. On the eighth day of Christmas my threesides gave to me –  An ecommerce fa-cility
  9. On the ninth day of Christmas my threesides gave to me – Mobile website usa-bility
  10. On the tenth day of Christmas my threesides gave to me – Enhanced website functionality
  11. On the eleventh day of Christmas my threesides gave to me – A media pitching strategy
  12. On the twelve day of Christmas my threesides gave to me — a social media workshop for twen-ty thirteen.

Merry Christmas 2012 and a happy new year from all of us at Threesides.
