He Says – She Says – The eye on Canberra for 2012

Blog by July 23, 2012

EyeOnCanberra 2012 Jonny
EyeOnCanberra 2012 - it's worth a read...

The Eye on Canberra 2012 consumer insights research was unveiled today at an Australian Marketing Institute breakfast.   Held at The Realm Hotel in Canberra the results are part of an ongoing research study from Grey Canberra and some of the results might just surprise you.

With a gender divide in the research showing statistics for both men and women in the report attention was held throughout the room, both genders eager to find out the results. This years report was titled “he says, She says’

We were told men are more satisfied than ever with women following behind being brought down by worries on day to day living costs.

This satisfaction spikes in Canberra with 68% of men stating they are very or extremely satisfied in comparison to 49% of women.

But it’s not all sunshine and rainbows, some of us are losing sleep at night…

The research shows women are pacing the bedroom with worried thoughts of the increasing costs of utilities, groceries and home affordability whilst men are worried about immigration, carbon pollution and job security.

Where do we agree as genders?

• Over 50% of both Canberran men and women are for the legalisation of same sex marriages.

• Over 80% of both Canberran men and women think Australia is still the land of opportunity

But stop the press who do we trust in our local news world?

• 60% of Canberran men trust The Canberra Times whilst only 53% women

• 54% of Canberran women trust the legal profession whilst only 48% of men;

• And both of us don’t like oil and petrol companies (and why should we??!)

So how does this help us as marketers?

Top insights out of the research that we took from it were:

• Create a human brand and have an opinion – don’t just let your brand be bland and not take a position on anything;

• Provide an out of life, non day-to-day experience – make your brand experience be a source of escapism. Tactile stores and experiences have a point of difference. Getting involved with the brand is what people want from you in our current era;

• Learn to reinvent yourself and go with the flow – We are all in the digital business so how can you brand connect on a digital level;

• Champion a positive future. Sell a vision of what’s better than now. Talk about the light at the end of the tunnel, not how you are going to get there;

• Redefine Luxury – Simple pleasurable things that we do everyday can be considered luxury if they are done right;

• And Being green isn’t enough it’s expected – Green is now a minimum requirement. Go beyond the eco bags;

• It’s not all about you anymore – brands that don’t have the customer at the centre of their development are missing (or have missed the point).

Hit up Grey Canberra for further details on the Eye on Canberra 2012 ‘He says, she says’ research report.