Using Video and Youtube in your marketing

Blog by June 18, 2008

There’s more than just a bit of a buzz around about using video in your marketing.  12 months ago I was presenting workshops talking about the growing trend of using video and I said that within a year we would all be doing it.  Well – we’re not all doing it yet but you should be giving it a good hard think right about now.

Below is a few tips on how, when and why use video in your marketing:

  • Engagement- Video engages customers longer – forget an 8 sec view of a website – think about the 30 secs they’ll be watching your video and the messages you can convey
  • Immediacy – allows you to provide timely info, updates and serialised content
  • Understanding – allows people to visually understand your product and message
  • Sharing – videos provide content to be shared within communities and networks
  • Cost – videos are cheap and easy to produce and most video sharing websites are free

Some of the ways we use video in our own business include preparing pitches and proposals for client work, project updates and information, recording events and launches and customer testimonials.  Below is an example of one of our client updates.


Some useful links: