mediawire by May 20, 2020

Australia’s Pie-Minister, all-round Aussie legend Robert ‘Dipper’ DiPIErdomenico, has just delivered his first address to the nation ahead of the inaugural Australia’s National Pie on 1 June 2020.

“While Australians were stocking up on toilet paper, I stocked up on pies. I love them, I can’t get enough of them. I reckon they’re the most Australian food you can get your hands on,” said the Pie-Minister, Robert ‘Dipper’ DiPIErdomenico.

“That bloke Kekovich, they’ve been wheeling him out as lamb ambassador for years, lamb’s been overcooked – but it is super tasty in a pie!” Dipper continued.

Dipper’s address was timely, going to air ahead of the inaugural Australia’s National Pie Day on 1 June, and the message was loud and clear – to join him in celebration of the pie.

“Pie lovers of Australia, join me to declare our love of pies on Australia’s National Pie, June 1st, and let’s steak our claim for Australia’s national food.

“On Australia’s National Pie Day, get your pies out for breakfast, smash a pie for lunch and pull your pies out for dinner. Share and declare your love of pies together as a nation.

“If you’re stuck at home in pie-solation, get the local bakery or café to deliver you a pie, pick one up from your local shop or favourite bakery, or pull out the big guns and bake a pie,” Dipper continued.

Dipper revealed that the idea for Australia’s National Pie Day came from Australia’s home of pies, the Southern Highlands of NSW, the region that turns into the Southern Pie-lands for the month of June each year. Whilst the nation is coming out of hibernation due to the ongoing impacts of Covid-19, 2020 is the year of Pie Time in Pie-solation, with virtual events such as behind the scenes pie making, pie and pinot masterclass, cricket and pies , paddock to pie plate and more.

And with the news today that NSW residents will be able to take a holiday anywhere in NSW from 1st June, the region is also excited to welcome back travellers who might like to stop in for a pie from those businesses who will reopen including some of their favourite Southern Pielands bakeries and locations along the Pie Trail. NSW visitors should call those businesses they wish to visit to ensure they will be open.

Dipper is backed by Steve Rosa, Group Manager Tourism and Economic Development, at Destination Southern Highlands.

“We want to see all Australians enjoying their pies, taking part in our virtual events, and of course holding their pies high on Australia’s National Pie Day,” said Steve.

See the Pie-Minister’s address to the nation in FULL

  • 1 minute version HERE.
  • 20 second version HERE.
  • 6 second version HERE.

Australia’s National Pie Day takes place on 1 June, ahead of Pie Time in Pie-solation virtual events from 1-7 June. For more information and all the event details, visit www.pietime.com.au, and follow on Facebook.

Australians sharing their love of pies can use #AustralianPieDay #pietime #piesolation #visitsouthernhighlands