
Australian team ranks in top third in the world at International Maths Olympiad in Norway

mediawire by July 15, 2022

Six of Australia’s brightest mathematics students have this week participated in the International Mathematical Olympiad (IMO) in Norway, where their results have just seen Australia rank 29th out of the 104 countries that took part, achieving five medals and an Honourable Mention for their efforts.

The six students from schools in NSW and Victoria, ranging from Year 8 to Year 12, participated in IMO from 6-16th July, after last month winning selection to represent Australia at the UNESCO-sanctioned International Science, Informatics and Mathematical Olympiads – the world’s toughest maths and science competitions for teenagers. They competed against more than 570 of the brightest mathematics students from across the world. Australia’s IMO program is run by the not-for-profit Australian Maths Trust (AMT).

“We are thrilled with the results at IMO this year. On behalf of AMT, I would like to congratulate William, Sizhe, Zian, Christopher, Tony and Grace on their outstanding results at this year’s IMO. Achieving 29th in the world for Australia is an amazing result, and we are so very proud of these students, especially being the first students to travel internationally again after a few years’ break from travelling for IMO due to the Covid-19 pandemic,” said Nathan Ford, CEO, AMT.

Medals awarded included a Gold Medal for Tony Yuzheng Wu, Bronze Medals for William Cheah, Sizhe Pan, Zian Shang and Christopher Tran. An Honourable Mention went to Grace Yuan, the only female representative on the Australian team. Grace, a Year 12 student from Methodist Ladies’ College in Victoria, was chosen for IMO after scoring a gold medal and ranking sixth in the world in the European Girls Mathematical Olympiad held in April this year.

At IMO Grace also won the Maryam Mirzakhani award, named after the notable female mathematician of the same name. A prize was awarded to the highest performing female at IMO on each continent, with Grace Yuan winning the Oceania prize. She received a glass trophy and recognition in front of her peers with the winners from the other continents.

“All of the IMO students should be very proud of their individual results and contribution to the Australian team. Each and every one of them has a bright future ahead of them in mathematical problem solving and the highly desired STEM subjects,” continued Mr Ford.

The selected students represent five schools from, NSW and Victoria. They have spent a year participating in exams and intensive training to make the cut.

This year’s team included Year 8 student, William Cheah, from Melbourne’s Scotch College who has outperformed senior high school students to represent Australia in mathematics. William is the youngest member of the IMO team and has been in the Australian Maths Trust’s Olympiad training program since he was in Year 5. He sat the Year 7 level of the Australian Mathematics Competition when he was in Year 4, receiving a gold medal. At IMO he received a Bronze Medal.

The maximum possible points scored at IMO was 42 points per contestant. Gold Medals were awarded for those students scoring 34 and over, Bronze was awarded for those students scoring 23 and over.

“Once again, these are exceptional results from exceptional Australian students and is testament to their ongoing hard work and dedication to excelling in mathematics,” Mr Ford concluded.

Learn more about the Mathematical and Informatics Olympiads at: https://www.amt.edu.au/olympiad-programs


Australia’s Mathematical Olympiad program is run by the not-for-profit Australian Maths Trust.

Olympiad programs are funded through the Australian Government’s National Innovation and Science Agenda. Optiver is the National Sponsor of the Mathematical Olympiads.

The Australian team members for the 2022 International Mathematical Olympiad, which took place in Norway 6-16th July, and their results:

William Cheah                           Year 8              Scotch College, VIC                                           BRONZE

Sizhe Pan                                 Year 11             James Ruse Agricultural High School, NSW      BRONZE

Zian Shang                               Year 11             Scotch College, VIC                                           BRONZE

Christopher Tran                        Year 11             The University High School, VIC                        BRONZE

Tony Yuzheng Wu                     Year 12             Killara High School, NSW                                  GOLD

Grace Chang Yuan                    Year 12             Methodist Ladies’ College, VIC                          Hon. Mention