
How to add Threesides to your Facebook Ads Account using business manager

We (Threesides) connect all our client’s Ad accounts to our master Facebook account – Rachel Wright. To add us just follow the steps below.  Add Rachel Wright as a friend on Facebook. To be more secure, Facebook requires you to be friends with the Ads Manager owner. 

1. Once you’ve added Rachel as a friend, head to business.facebook.com and log in. Clicking on ‘Settings’ in the bottom left-hand corner of the page will bring you to your business account information page.

2. Select ‘People’ and then ‘Add people’ and add in social@threesides.com.au

3. Once ticked, toggle the ‘Admin access’ setting so that we’re able to complete all necessary tasks on your behalf.

4. Then, click on the ‘Show advanced options’ and assign the additional role of ‘Developer’

5. From here, simply toggle the account we’re needing access to under ‘Select assets’, and then click on the ‘Manage Page’ toggle under ‘Full control’. Finally, click ‘Send Invitation’. Threesides will get the notification, accept it, and then be able to assist you with your social advertising!