
Australian maths team success in Japan

mediawire by July 13, 2023

Six of Australia’s top mathematics students have participated in the 64th annual International Mathematical Olympiad (IMO) in Japan.   The team was awarded five medals and an honourable mention, helping Australia rank 23rd out of the 112 countries that took part in this year’s competition.

Australia’s sustained excellence on this international stage continues with Australian teams placing in the top 25 of all participating countries in 8 out of the last 10 contests.

The students from schools in NSW and Victoria, ranging from Year 9 to Year 12, participated in the IMO from 2-13 July. They competed against more than 620 of the brightest young mathematicians from across the world.

“It is so exciting to see our IMO team perform so well this year.  The team has worked exceptionally hard this year and it’s wonderful to see all their efforts rewarded – I congratulate them all on their outstanding achievements.  I am also very grateful to our supporting staff, led by Dr Angelo Di Pasquale, who have assisted the team in their preparations.  Our continued strong performances at the IMO are inspiring particularly as we work towards hosting the IMO in Australia in 2025,” said Nathan Ford, CEO, Australian Maths Trust (AMT).

Australia’s top performer in 2023, Zian Shang, scored a total of 35 points, ranking him 26th in the world and earning him a Gold Medal.

Australia’s other medals awarded were Silver Medals for William Cheah and Christopher Tran, and Bronze Medals for Sizhe Pan and Cloris Xu. An Honourable Mention went to Iris Xu – this award goes to those students that solve a complete problem on the paper.

The selected students have spent a year participating in exams and intensive training within the AMT’s Performance and Pathways program.

Learn more about the Mathematical and Informatics Olympiads here


Australia’s Mathematical Olympiad program is run by the Australian Maths Trust. For more information about the trust, visit www.amt.edu.au

The Trust’s maths high performance (Olympiad) programs are supported by the Australian Government Department of Industry, Science and Resources.

Optiver is the Trust’s National Sponsor of the Mathematical Olympiad program.

The Australian team members for the 2023 International Mathematical Olympiad, which took place in Japan 2-13th July 2023, and their results:

William Cheah                           Year 9              Scotch College, VIC                                           SILVER

Sizhe Pan                                 Year 11             James Ruse Agricultural High School, NSW        BRONZE

Zian Shang                               Year 12             Scotch College, VIC                                           GOLD

Christopher Tran                        Year 12             The University High School, VIC                         SILVER

Cloris Xu                                   Year 11             Baulkham Hills High School, NSW                      BRONZE

Iris Xu                                       Year 11             Baulkham Hills High School, NSW                      Hon. Mention

The maximum possible points scored at the IMO is 42 points per contestant.

In 2023, Gold Medals were awarded for those students scoring 32 and over, Silver for those students scoring 25 and over, and Bronze was awarded for those students scoring 18 and over. Students that solved a complete problem are awarded an honourable mention.