
Religious leaders unite for the inaugural ringing of the Canberra Rotary Peace Bell

mediawire by February 19, 2018

The Canberra Rotary Peace Bell will be officially launched this coming Friday 23rd February 2018 at the purpose-built World Peace Bell Pavilion at Canberra Nara Peace Park on the shores of Lake Burley Griffin.

The Peace Bell project was initiated by Rotary in partnership with the World Peace Association, with Rotary Canberra Burley Griffin taking on the ambitious project of fundraising, coordinating the design with local architects and overseeing the build of the World Peace Bell Pavilion at Canberra Nara Peace Park on the shores of Lake Burley Griffin.

The Canberra Rotary Peace Bell is a major achievement for Rotary in Canberra as this year marks the 90th anniversary of Rotary in Canberra.


  • Religious leaders from 12 different denominations including from the Mawson Hindu Temple, Chifley Pentecostal Church, Canberra Mosque, Canberra Jewish Centre, and the Catholic Church of Canberra Goulburn coming together to ring the bell in harmony;
  • Students from local Canberra schools and cubs groups including St Vincents Primary Aranda, Mawson Primary School and Macarthur Cubs who have raised funds toward the construction of the Pavilion singing John Lennon’s Imagine and the Australian National Anthem;
  • A chorus of women singing for peace;
  • Welcome to Country and Smoking Ceremony by a local Aboriginal dance group;
  • The awarding of the Chief Minister’s Peace Prize by Attorney-General and Minister for the Arts and Community Events, Gordon Ramsay.
  • Key note speeches by Reverend Tim Costello from the Baptist Church and World Vision, and Rotary District Governor, Mr Steve Hill.


What:            Official launch of the Canberra Rotary Peace Bell

When:           Friday 23rd February 2018

Time:             10.30am – 12 noon

Where:         The new World Peace Bell Pavilion in Canberra, Canberra Nara Peace Park on the shores of Lake Burley Griffin.